Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thing #5a RSS & NewsReaders1

Wow. I feel so high-tech. I had no idea what the little orange icon on all of those websites was. Now I know. It's an RSS feed....or as PollyMae calls it the R.O.U.S. We both got help from Kerry today and I think I'm going to go to the check-ins from now on.

So I didn't really know what the rss things were... I knew they were cool and somehow related to podcasts but I had no idea how to use them. I set up subscriptions to other lib2.0 blogs and a few nerdy news sites, but I am definitely going to add more. Kerry was telling me there is a Firefox extension that allows you to have a running ticker instead of logging in to bloglines for new postings. At first that sounded like a good idea, but I think I would get too distracted while working. I would rather dedicate 10 minutes a day to logging in Bloglines and reading my news.

I know that after Lib 2.0 I'm going to be using bloglines. I can get all my news reports in one place! I think that libraries could get a lot of use out of RSS feeds; PollyMae & Kerry found the Santa Cruz Public Library RSS and it's very cool. There was a different feed for each genre or you could subscribe to 'all books' I wish UCSC had an RSS feed! You could use it for upcoming events or exhibits. You could probably even specialize it per department. Undergrads or grads could get updates on news from their departments, or new library resources.

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