Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thing #8: Second Life

A little over a month ago, my brother sent me an article about Second Life. Apparently someone just made their first million dollars in (real) money. I didn't really realize what a big deal it was. I guess I'm out of the loop. I thought Myspace was the new hip thing. I know there's a lot of chatter about Second Life and to be honest I am wary of it. I like to think of myself as a (future) Social Psychologist.... it's scary to me to think of people interacting more in a virtual world than in the real world.

My brother and I are working on Third Life..... You create an avatar and it controls your Second Life avatar... which then controls you.

OK, Seriously though I CAN see the potential in SecondLife for libraries and academic research..... as a TOOL. Watching the SJSU video and reading about virtual museums, and *gasp* the possibility of only virtual books gives me the impression that people want to use these in place of their real-world counterparts. Students are going to go to Second Life class instead of going to a lecture hall. It's just scary to me, that's all. I think face-to-face interaction is very important. However, I can see virtual libraries as a helpful tool for undergrads and even grads studying. I am having issues thinking of ways it can benefit the larger community.... although I can see how faculty members would like to post recorded lectures or assignments... I just hope that high schools don't start using SecondLife. Not everyone has equal access to computers & the internet.

I told my brother about the uses of libraries in Second Life. He had this to say....

Bubba: "I want my iPhone to chat with my treo and then they can mate in second life to create a flip phone that will send emails to my camera.........

.......then they will transform. like the transformers.
take over the world!!
Decepticons UNITE!
Autobots Roll Out!"


meteowrite said...

WOW!! ILL'ers everywhere!!!!! Hi SheriLynn Sunshine Shabazz etc. etc. I've enjoyed perusing your blog! A great way to pass an afternoon without many library patrons. Thanks for entertaining me!

meteowrite said...

P.S. Hey, if it wasn't obvious, that was me, Jenn. Formerly of ILL. You know the one. :)